Getting Started

Create Skill App

The easiest way to spin up a new Skill App is by using create-skill-app. This CLI tool enables you to quickly start building a new Partner Product application, with everything set up for you.


First of all you'll need to clone and install skillrecordings/products project from GitHub.


git clone


You'll need PNPM installed.

npm i pnpm@latest -g

Install all dependencies (all apps and packages) and build all apps and packages

pnpm install
pnpm build

This will build (and cache) the library packages and applications.

Developing an app or package

You can now start an app or package for development:

cd apps/{{appname}} && pnpm dev
cd packages/{{packagename}} && pnpm dev

The latest package version isn't published to NPM and we suggest using npm link to run the create-skill-app command from anywhere.

cd packages/create-skill-app && npm link

Once that is done, you can technically run create-skill-app from anywhere on your machine if you fully-qualify the path, but you're better off running it from ./apps/.

Create Skill App

To get started, use the following command and replace APPLICATION_NAME with the kebab-case name of the partner product. ex. total-typescript

# From apps/
create-skill-app APPLICATION_NAME

# From the root...
create-skill-app apps/APPLICATION_NAME

The command will ask a series of questions defined here that fill in the details in the templates.

Once done, you can run pnpm dev from within the directory you've created to start development server.